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Kenworthy, M.D., Grabowski, J.H., Gittman, R.K., Danielle A. Keller,  Scharf, F.S., Hollensead, L.D., Scheffel, T.K., Fodrie, J.F. Restoration goals, spatial-scale, and species identity influence how cultch shell enhancement and artificial reefs provide habitat subsidies for estuarine fishes. Bulletin of Marine Science



11. Baker R., M. D. Taylor, K. W. Able, M. W. Beck, J. Cebrian, D. D. Colombano, R. M. Connolly, C. Currin, L. A. Deegan, I. C. Feller, B. L. Gilby, M. E. Kimball , T. J. Minello, L. P. Rozas, C. Simenstad, R. E. Turner, N. J. Waltham, M. P. Weinstein, S. L. Ziegler, P. S. E. zu Ermgassen, C. Alcott, S. B. Alford , M. Barbeau, S. C. Crosby, K. Dodds , A. Frank, J. Goeke, L. A. Goodridge Gaines, F. E. Hardcastle, C. J. Henderson, W. R. James, M. D. Kenworthy, J. Lesser, D. Mallick, C. W. Martin, A. E. McDonald, C. McLuckie, B. H. Morrison, J. A. Nelson, G. S. Norris, J. Ollerhead, J. W. Pahl, S. Ramsden, J. S. Rehage, J. F. Reinhardt, R. J. Rezek, L. M. Risse, J. A. M. Smith, E. L. Sparks, and L. W. Staver. Fisheries rely on threatened salt marshes. Science 370: 670-671. doi: 10.1126/science.abe9332


10. Keller, D.A., Gittman, R.K., Brodeur, M.C., Kenworthy, M.D., Ridge, J.T., Yeager, L.A., Rodriguez, A.B., Fodrie, J.F. (2019) Salt marsh shoreline geomorphology influences the development of constructed oyster reefs and use by associated fauna. Restoration Ecology. DOI:


9. Kenworthy, M.D., Grabowski, J.H., Layman, C.A., Sherwood, G.D., Powers, S.P., Peterson, C.H., Gittman, R.K., Keller, D.A., Fodrie, J.F. (2018). Movement ecology of mobile predatory fish reveals limited habitat linkages within a temperate estuarine seascape. CJFAS, 75(11), 1990-1998. DOI:


8. Mahoney, R.D., Kenworthy, M.D., Geyer, J.K., Hovel, K.A., Fodrie, J.F. (2018). Distribution and relative predation risk of nekton reveal complex edge effects within temperate seagrass habitat. JEMBE, 503, 52-59. DOI:


7. Gittman, R.K., Fodrie, F.J., Baillie, C.J., Brodeur, M.C., Currin, C.A., Keller, D.A., Kenworthy, M.D., Morton, J.P., Ridge, J.T., Zhang, Y.S. (2018). Living on the Edge: Increasing Patch Size Enhances the Resilience and Community Development of a Restored Salt Marsh. Estuaries and Coasts, 41, 884-895. DOI:


6. Ajemian M.J., Kenworthy M.D., Sanchez-Lizaso J.L. Cebrian J. (2016). Aggregation dynamics and foraging behavior of striped red mullet Mullus surmuletus in the western Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Fish Biology, 88, 2051-2059. DOI:


5. Fodrie J.F, Yaeger L.A., Grabowski, J.H., Layman C.A., Sherwood G.D., Kenworthy M.D. (2015). Measuring individuality in habitat use across complex landscapes: approaches, constraints, and implications for assessing resource specialization.  Oecologia, 178, 75-87. DOI:


4. Fodrie J.F., Rodriguez A.B., Baillie C., Brodeur M.C., Coleman S.C. Gittman R.K., Keller D.A., Kenworthy M.D., Poray A., Ridge J.T., Theuerkauf E.J., Lindquist, Niels. (2014). Classic paradigms in a novel environment: Inserting food-web and productivity lessons from rocky shores and saltmarshes in to biogenic reef restoration.  Journal of Applied Ecology, 51, 1314-1325. DOI:


3. Rodriguez A.B., Fodrie F.J., Ridge J.T. Lindquist N., Theuerkauf E.J., Coleman S.E., Grabowski, J.H., Brodeur M.C., Gittman R.K., Keller D.A., Kenworthy M.D. (2014). Oyster reefs can outpace sea-level rise.  Nature Climate Change, 4, 493-497. DOI:


2. Johnson M., Powers S., Hightower C. & Kenworthy M. (2010). Age, Growth, Mortality, and Diet Composition of Vermilion Snapper from the North-Central Gulf of Mexico. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 139, 1136-1149. DOI:


1. Fodrie F.J., Kenworthy M.D. & Powers S.P. (2008). Unintended facilitation between marine consumers generates enhanced mortality for their shared prey. Ecology, 89, 3268-3274. DOI:


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